Saturday, October 20, 2012

God believes in You!

The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. ~ Psalm 25:14 ~
God, the creator of all things, the one who breathes life into every living creature, the one who sustains the heavens and the earth, who keeps the sun and the moon and the stars in place, this God...wants to share His plans with YOU!
The word confide though means much more than just share it literally means "to entrust; to commit to the charge of, with a belief in the fidelity of the person entrusted; to deliver into possession of another, with assurance of safe keeping, or good management; to believe in, with assurance"
In other words, if you will humble yourself before God showing proper fear and respect, He in turn will make His plans for salvation know to you, but more than that, He will give you all the details and secrets of His plan, trusting and believing in you to carry them out. God is trusting you to keep safe His promises, to guard them, and to follow them. He is GIVING YOU his covenant. (deliver into possession of another) Guard it with all your heart! 

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