Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It starts with You and Me

God said to Jacob, "‘I am going to make you fruitful and will increase your numbers. I will make you a community of peoples, and I will give this land as an everlasting possession to your descendants after you.’ ~ Genesis 48:4 ~
Community can be simply defined as common possessions or togetherness. Way back in the beginning God was interested in us being a community, not just a bunch of people living in the same city. God wants us to be a group of people that have things in common, that take care of one another, that truly love each other, people that share, people that work together, eat together, pray and worship together. It takes effort to be a real community of people, so what can you do today to move towards that goal? Talk it over with your family and make a decision to be a family that creates community. Decide on a few realistic things you can do like inviting a different family over once a month for dinner, or maybe shovel the elderly neighbor's walk this winter and invite her over for cocoa, whatecver it is, make a decision, then follow through.
let's do things God's way. Let's build a Christian community for the whole world to see.

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