"...who through the Spirita of holiness was declared with power to be
the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus
Christ our Lord Through him and for his name's sake, we received grace and apostleship to call
people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith." ~ Romans 1:4-5 ~
We are called to Obedience and Obedience comes from faith, not the other way around so it is important what we believe. For example if a young man believes 'being a man' means making money and degrading woman, that is exactly what he will do. If you believe the Bible is God's written Word, the truth, and a instruction manual for life, then you must behave accordingly or you don't really believe it. What we believe matters a great deal. Know what you believe. Sound doctrine is only found in God's Word. Titus said there are many who say they believe God but deny Him by their actions. What do you believe? Does your life reflect it? A lot of people claim to have the truth but there can only be one truth. God is truth. Believe the Bible. Believe God!
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