"But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.”
~ Numbers 13:31 ~
Moses sent men out to scout the land of Canaan which was the land God had promised them. What they saw though terrified them. They saw a land inhabited by men much bigger than they were and much stronger. It appeared to be to difficult for them, it appeared there was no way they were going to take over this land God promised to give them. To jump to the end of the story they in fact did take over the land and God's promise was fulfilled. Along the way though, they had doubts and fears which they had to overcome. If God makes a promise, He will keep it. So what is it in your life that just seems to hard or scary for it to actually happen. Is it a coming out of a rough financial situation, is it a relationship that needs repairing or maybe a physical healing of something? Like the Israelites we also must overcome doubts and fears and trust God that He WILL deliver us, this is the cool part, God promises to help us do that too, if we just simply ask Him and trust Him. (God, help me to overcome my doubts & fears and trust you completely) Amen.
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