Monday, October 24, 2011

Does your house need repair?

A roof sags because of laziness. A house leaks because of idle hands
~ Ecclesiastes 10:18 ~

The house pictured above was once a brand new home. lack of maintenance caused it to fall apart and it is now close to or beyond repair. 1 Peter 2:5 says's "you also... are being built into a spiritual house... " If we do not work on being holy our spiritual houses will fall apart as well. If we say we believe in Jesus but then never do anything more, that would be like building a home and never doing any repairs, eventually it will break down. So is this talking about my actual physical body? 1 Timothy 4:8 helps with this by saying "...physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" God wants us to work towards being like Jesus. You don't build a house overnight, you do a little at a time, so everyday work a little towards making your spiritual house beautiful on the inside, and the out. Read the Bible, Pray, Go to Church, Confess your Sins, eat healthy, get good sleep, and exercise a little. But most importantly Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and by the grace of God you will have a house that will stand up against the fiercest storms and last for eternity.

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